In the addiction recovery process, there are many stages that present unique and marked challenges to those in recovery. Often, though, the most challenging period in an individual’s recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is in the early-most part of their sobriety. During this time, it is common to struggle with the transition from abusing drugs and alcohol to maintaining sobriety.

Early recovery is about more than just staying sober, however. Simply stopping the use of drugs or alcohol is not enough to bring stability to the life of a person who is trying to recover. Instead,  addiction recovery requires transitioning from addiction to a life of long-term sobriety, and this is where addiction stabilization centers come in.

At Magnolia City Detox, addiction stabilization is one of the levels of care offered to help individuals recover from addiction in a comprehensive and holistic way. Our addiction stabilization center provides those in early recovery with the support, structure, and therapeutic interventions necessary for long-term sobriety.

Addiction stabilization refers to the process of providing individualized addiction services for those who have recently completed a successful detox. It involves creating a safe, comfortable environment in which addiction recovery can begin to take place and working with the individual to stabilize their physical, emotional, and mental health.
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At Magnolia City Detox, we also operate as an addiction stabilization center in the Houston metro area. Our experienced addiction professionals provide evidence-based addiction treatment to help individuals struggling with addiction begin taking the first steps on their journey to recovery.

In our addiction stabilization program, you will have access to medical care and addiction therapies to help you stabilize your addiction and begin taking the steps toward long-term sobriety. This includes individual, group, and family therapy as well as evidence-based addiction treatment modalities that include various types of psychotherapy.

The Importance of an Addiction Stabilization Program

An addiction stabilization program is essential for those who have recently completed detox, as it helps to prevent relapse and provides a space for continued healing and growth. It is also important for those who are currently in addiction

The Stages of Care at Magnolia City Detox

When you enter into our care at Magnolia City Detox, you will move through our levels of care which include an initial assessment, medical drug and alcohol detoxification, and addiction stabilization. These levels are each designed to meet you where you are in your addiction and provide you with the best possible chance for recovery.

Care at our detox and addiction stabilization center begins with an initial assessment. No addiction is exactly alike. While there are a host of general symptoms that people with an addiction will experience, addiction is a highly individualized condition and our medical team is prepared to meet you with an individualized approach.

During the assessment, we will review your addiction history, any prior therapies or treatments that you’ve attempted, and any substances currently in your system. During your assessment, we will also determine the type and severity of your addiction, as well as any other mental or physical health issues that could be complicating the addiction. This includes co-occurring disorders like depression and anxiety, or medical conditions that cause chronic pain.

Once we have a full understanding of your addiction, we can begin to develop an individualized detoxification plan that is tailored to you and your needs.

After the initial assessment is completed, you will move into our medical drug and alcohol detoxification program. Medical drug and alcohol detox is the process of reducing or eliminating the use of drugs and alcohol using medications and other therapies. During this phase, you will be under close medical supervision to ensure that your body is responding safely and effectively to detoxification.

This process can take anywhere from several days to several weeks depending on the individual and the severity of the addiction. Your time at the assessment level will determine the course of treatment you receive at this level.

During this time, you will be supervised by medical personnel experienced in addiction treatment. The team at Magnolia City Detox will provide medication if needed to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms, as well as holistic therapies to help manage stress and anxiety.

Upon a successful detox, patients begin treatment in our addiction stabilization center where they can focus on healing and growth within a contained environment. The addiction stabilization center is an essential part of addiction treatment, as it provides necessary structure and support while allowing clients to begin their journey towards sobriety.

After stabilization, clients should be ready to move on to tour residential addiction treatment center near Houston. We recommend that patients begin with residential treatment—also known as inpatient addiction treatment—and move through the levels of care to outpatient treatment and then sober living.

While in residential treatment, you will receive around-the-clock addiction treatment and care to help you focus on your addiction recovery. This includes cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, individual counseling, addiction education classes, and other therapies designed to address the underlying causes of addiction.

Many people who attend residential treatment will go on to an outpatient treatment program afterward. In an outpatient program, you’ll attend addiction treatment sessions fewer days per week, but you’ll still have access to addiction recovery professionals who can help with relapse prevention. Further, these programs will allow you a degree of flexibility, allowing you to travel to and from the treatment center.

Finally, after attending an addiction treatment program, you may engage in aftercare services or choose to move into a sober living facility. In sober living, you’ll live with other people in addiction recovery, and work towards making a successful transition back into society.

The Importance of Addiction Stabilization

The presence of an addiction—clinically referred to as a substance use disorder (SUD)—greatly affects the suffering individual. Addiction often causes a number of issues for the individual that affect things like their job performance, personal relationships, and physical and mental health.

As time goes on, these negative consequences will likely get worse as addiction is a progressive disease. Addiction stabilization is an essential step early in the addiction treatment process, as it can help to prevent the individual from reaching a point of crisis. This is an imperative service as it can prevent relapse during the time when relapse is most likely to occur.

In the early stages of recovery, sobriety may often hinge on factors such as mood, physical condition, and the environment. When faced with unpleasant situations, stress, or relationship turmoil, individuals may return to drugs and alcohol. This happens because the individual has not developed the tools to deal with complex emotions that they will later gain in addiction treatment programs. At Magnolia City Detox, a detox and addiction stabilization center in the Houston metro area, we recognize the importance of this stage of addiction treatment and provide our patients with a safe, supportive addiction stabilization program to better prepare them for residential treatment.

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Our Programs at Magnolia City Detox

In order to help the largest number of people possible, we provide detoxification and addiction stabilization services for a range of substance use disorders. The substance that you are abusing will oftentimes determine the particularities of the treatment that you receive here at Magnolia City Detox. For example, someone who is struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD) will likely receive alcohol addiction stabilization that is tailored to the needs associated with this particular addiction.
Included in the services we provide are detox, stabilization, and inpatient services for the following substance use disorders:

  • Alcohol Use Disorder
  • Prescription Drug Use Disorder
  • Heroin Use Disorder
  • Benzodiazepine Use Disorder
  • Opioid Use Disorder
  • Cocaine Use Disorder
  • Fentanyl Use Disorder
  • Methadone Use Disorder
addiction stabilization center in houston

If you are struggling with any of the aforementioned disorders, we can help get you through the withdrawal process associated with your substance use disorder. Our main goal is to ensure that you can safely stop abusing substances and continue your recovery at our residential addiction treatment facility. There, you can continue to receive treatment and gain the life-long skills you will need to remain off of drugs or alcohol.

Addiction Stabilization at Magnolia Detox

At Magnolia City Detox’s addiction stabilization center, clients receive evidence-based, individualized addiction treatment plans that are tailored to their unique needs. Our addiction specialists utilize a variety of therapies and modalities to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients.

At Magnolia City Detox in The Woodlands, our staff understands what it takes to recover from addiction. Contact us today and learn more about our admissions process and addiction stabilization center near Houston, TX. Our team is ready to help you detox safely and live in recovery successfully.

Dr. Olaniyi O. Osuntokun

Dr. Olaniyi O. Osuntokun is a Neurology & Psychiatry Specialist based in Conroe, Texas, and Lafayette, Indiana. He has extensive experience in treating Individuals with substance use disorders and addiction. He earned his medical degree from University of Ibadan College of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years.

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