In this article, we take a deep but detailed view of Xanax dependency, Xanax detox, withdrawal symptoms associated with Xanax use, and how to get help with cutting the addiction to Xanax within the Houston, Texas area.
Xanax Detox at Magnolia City Detox

When a person realizes that their prescription drug use is out of control, they often result to ceasing immediately. This can lead a person to experience a crash, which is an extreme withdrawal reaction to abruptly stopping prescription medication. Such a person can develop even more severe depression and addiction than they were being treated for, irritability, and in extreme cases even manifest other mental illnesses. A crashing person can even suffer physical problems ranging from organ failure and diseases to seizures and death.
If you or someone you know and love are looking to curb dependency on Xanax and/ or other prescription drugs, it is important to contact Magnolia City Detox immediately. Only through professional medical supervision can you ensure that the process of tapering off Xanax use is safe and supported. Our structured detox programs can help you come down off of the prescription drug rollercoaster with a reduced risk of developing severe symptoms such as seizures or death.
What Happens When You Stop Taking Xanax?
- Frequency of use.
- Dosage.
- Length of use.
- Simultaneous use of other substances (e.g., alcohol, opioids, drugs, or other prescription medications).
- Individual mental and physical health.
What Happens When You Quit Xanax “Cold Turkey?”
Normal brain functions, such as breathing control, cannot be controlled during a seizure. Without intervention, there is no way to determine how long a seizure can last. Severe long-term brain damage or even death can occur within just a few minutes of oxygen deprivation to the brain.
The psychological withdrawal symptoms a person can face from stopping Xanax use can make a person seek unusual and even dangerous methods to gain relief from the symptoms. Physical discomfort can reach such extreme levels that a person relapses their Xanax use or looks for alternate medications and substances to stem the feelings. Magnolia City helps with relapse prevention, which can be a huge help on the journey to recovery
Excessively high doses of Xanax or prolonged use could lead a person to develop Xanax Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS).
Xanax Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
Post Acute Withdrawl Syndrome refers to persistent symptoms a person experiences with withdrawal, symptom change, or a reemergence of symptoms after resolving typical Xanax withdrawal.
PAWS can linger for months symptoms may appear and disappear erratically. Symptoms of PAWS include:
- Xanax cravings
- Anxiety
- Panic
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Hypersensitivity to sight, sound, or touch
- Difficulty concentrating
- Headaches
- Agitation
- Appetite changes
Symptoms of PAWS can be alleviated by continued abstinence from drug use combined with a medically supervised Xanax detox program.
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What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms of Xanax?
A few common Xanax withdrawal symptoms are:
- Mental fugue, learning difficulties, or memory problems
- Increased craving for Xanax and other substances
- Suicidal thoughts, thoughts of self-harm, or depression
- Random emotional outbursts, increased irritability, or aggression
- Psychosis, delirium, hallucinations, or confusion
- Chest pains, heightened blood pressure, or heart palpitations
- Muscle pain, tremors, or muscle spasms
- Vomiting, nausea, headaches, or excessive sweating
- Sleeping difficulties, nightmares, or insomnia
- Panic attacks and anxiety can be significantly worse than before the Xanax medication
Seizures are the most serious and potentially fatal withdrawal symptom of Zanax withdrawal. Seizures are more common when there is an abrupt cut-off of Xanax medication or a severe dosage reduction. Seizures can cause serious brain damage, comas, or death.
A consultation with a medical professional followed by a residential program at a reputable detox facility is a serious recommendation for anyone seeking to curb a Xanax dependency.
How Are Xanax Withdrawal Symptoms Connected to Xanax Dependence?
Detox or withdrawal from Xanax and other medications increases the risk of developing dependency within a person. Dependency is where the reduction of dosage or abrupt stopping of a medication like Xanax triggers an overwhelming need for more.
How Long Does Xanax Withdrawal Last?
The short half-life of Zanax allows the body to quickly absorb, metabolize and filter it out. Withdrawal symptoms can begin within 6 to 8 hours after last use.
The timeline of withdrawal is not a set thing. Individual factors, such as the age, weight, height, and medical history of an individual can make the time vary. Following a medically supervised tapering schedule can also affect the withdrawal timeline. Acute symptoms of withdrawal can peak within the first 48 hours after the last use. Overall symptoms usually improve by day 5, though varying degrees of symptoms can continue for the next four weeks or so.
Is Xanax Withdrawal Dangerous?
Heart palpitations, raised blood pressure, and delusions are other complications that could result from withdrawal. Research recommends those wishing to cut Xanax use follow a prescription drug detox program under the watchful care of trained medical professionals.

What Is the Medically-Assisted Xanax Detox Program Like at Magnolia City Detox?
The decision to cut dependence on prescription drugs like Zanax is the most important step on the road to recovery. This is, however, still only a first step and cannot substitute more comprehensive treatment. To achieve a recovery that lasts, patients may be required to be in either an inpatient or outpatient program for long-term treatment at Magnolia City Detox.
Our professional medical team oversees each person’s recovery process. Monitoring is carried out 24/7 to ensure proper health and safety. Our staff is also able to respond to any potential emergencies or complications quickly.
Magnolia City Detox offers an inpatient rehab program near Houston to cater to every person’s needs and schedule. We also offer aftercare support and planning to ensure that your recovery journey meets no pitfalls.
Contact our admissions specialists today to request a tour, ask any questions or express any concerns you may have. We are here to help you down the road to recovery and living a healthier life.