People struggling with OCD are at a greater risk of developing an addiction. In fact, almost one-quarter of people with OCD also struggle with alcoholism. And, about 20 percent have a drug addiction. But, why is there a link between OCD and addiction?
Obsessions are unwanted thoughts or fears that keep coming back and can be about things like germs, order, or harm. For example, someone with OCD might constantly worry about getting sick or have a strong urge to arrange things perfectly.
Compulsions are behaviors or actions that people with OCD must do to relieve their anxiety or prevent something bad from happening. This can include things like washing their hands over and over, checking things repeatedly, or counting things in a specific way.
OCD can have a big impact on a person’s life, making it hard to do everyday activities and affecting their relationships. OCD is different from just liking things neat or doing some repetitive actions now and then. OCD involves intense thoughts and behaviors that interfere with a person’s life.
What are the Signs and Symptoms of OCD?

- Recurring and unwanted thoughts, images, or urges that cause distress.
- Excessive concerns about germs, contamination, or cleanliness.
- Intrusive thoughts about harm or danger to oneself or others.
- Persistent doubts or the need for constant reassurance.
- Unwanted thoughts about forbidden or taboo subjects.
- Repetitive behaviors or mental acts performed to alleviate anxiety or prevent feared outcomes.
- Excessive hand washing, cleaning, or sanitizing.
- Need for symmetry, orderliness, or precise arrangement of objects.
- Checking behaviors (e.g., locks, appliances) repeatedly.
- Counting, tapping, or repeating words silently.
- High levels of anxiety, fear, or panic related to obsessions.
- Persistent doubt, uncertainty, or indecisiveness.
- Guilt, shame, or disgust associated with certain thoughts or behaviors.
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How Does OCD Impact Daily Life?
OCD often consumes a considerable amount of time and energy. People with OCD may spend hours each day dealing with their obsessions and compulsions. This can result in difficulties in managing daily tasks, work responsibilities, and social activities.
OCD can strain relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners. Obsessions and compulsions may lead to repetitive behaviors that can be frustrating or confusing to others. The need to accommodate or participate in rituals and constant reassurance seeking may place a burden on relationships.
Due to the intrusive thoughts and the need to perform rituals, people with OCD may find it challenging to concentrate on tasks and maintain productivity at work, school, or other areas of life. This can affect their performance and career prospects.
The distress caused by obsessive thoughts and the need to perform compulsions can lead to high levels of anxiety, fear, and emotional turmoil. It can result in feelings of helplessness, frustration, and a reduced sense of self-worth. People with OCD may also experience depression or other mental health issues due to ongoing distress.
OCD can lead to social withdrawal or avoidance of certain situations or places that trigger obsessions. This can limit social interactions, participation in events, and enjoyment of activities. Individuals may feel isolated or misunderstood by others, further contributing to emotional distress.
In some cases, OCD may lead to financial burdens. This can occur due to excessive spending on cleaning supplies, repeated purchases of items related to obsessions, or the need for therapy and treatment.
What are the Risk Factors of OCD?
Risk factors for OCD include:
- Genetics – Having a parent or sibling with OCD increases the risk of developing the disorder. Certain genes may contribute to the development of OCD, although specific genes have not been identified.
- Brain Structure and Function – Some studies suggest that abnormalities in certain parts of the brain may play a role in developing OCD. These regions of the brain control decision-making, regulate behavior and process fear and anxiety.
- Neurotransmitter Imbalance – Serotonin helps in mood regulation. An imbalance in serotonin may contribute to the development of OCD.
- Environmental factors – Factors like traumatic life events such as abuse, neglect, or the death of a loved one can contribute to developing OCD. Streptococcal infections have been linked to some cases of sudden-onset OCD, especially in children.
- Psychological factors – Some psychological factors may contribute to developing or exacerbating OCD. Perfectionism, excessive worry, the need to control, and a history of anxiety or other mental health conditions can increase the risk of developing OCD.
Having one or more risk factors doesn’t mean you will have OCD. They just increase the chances. The exact causes of OCD are still not fully understood, but a combination of these factors seems to play a role.
What is the Relationship Between OCD and Addiction?
OCD and addiction are two separate conditions, but they can co-occur in some people. People with OCD sometimes turn to drugs, alcohol, or addictive activities to cope with their OCD-related anxiety and distress.
OCD and addiction have similar underlying factors, like genetics and changes in the brain, but the reasons they develop are not completely understood. But, the motivations behind the repetitive behaviors differ in OCD and addiction.
In OCD, the behaviors aim to reduce anxiety and prevent feared outcomes. With an addiction, they are driven by the pursuit of pleasure or relief. When someone has co-occurring OCD and addiction, it’s important to treat both conditions simultaneously.
However, not everyone with OCD will develop an addiction, and not everyone with an addiction will have OCD. Each condition is unique and requires specific interventions.
Why Does Alcoholism and OCD Often Co-Occur?

But why do people choose alcohol to cope with their OCD? There are a few reasons this might happen.
Firstly, alcohol is easier to get and more accepted in social settings than illegal drugs. It’s legally available in many places and commonly found at parties or gatherings, making it more accessible.
Secondly, alcohol can temporarily reduce anxiety, which is a common symptom of OCD. People with OCD may turn to alcohol to find relief from their anxious thoughts and obsessions, even if it’s just for a short time.
Thirdly, because alcohol is a familiar substance that many people use, individuals with OCD might develop a habit of relying on it to cope with their symptoms. They might see it as a way to feel better or lessen their OCD-related distress.
Lastly, some people with OCD may choose alcohol over drugs to avoid legal issues or the social stigma associated with drug use. Alcohol is legal for adults in many places and generally more socially acceptable.
But, the impact of alcohol on OCD symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people may experience a worsening of symptoms, while others may not be significantly affected or may even perceive a temporary reduction in symptoms.
However, due to the potential negative consequences and impact on overall well-being, it is recommended for those with OCD to avoid or moderate their alcohol consumption. Seeking guidance from atherapist who specializes in OCD can provide support and advice on managing alcoholism and OCD.
What Therapies Are Available for People Dealing with Co-Occurring Disorders?

But why do people choose alcohol to cope with their OCD? There are a few reasons this might happen.
Firstly, alcohol is easier to get and more accepted in social settings than illegal drugs. It’s legally available in many places and commonly found at parties or gatherings, making it more accessible.
Secondly, alcohol can temporarily reduce anxiety, which is a common symptom of OCD. People with OCD may turn to alcohol to find relief from their anxious thoughts and obsessions, even if it’s just for a short time.
Thirdly, because alcohol is a familiar substance that many people use, individuals with OCD might develop a habit of relying on it to cope with their symptoms. They might see it as a way to feel better or lessen their OCD-related distress.
Lastly, some people with OCD may choose alcohol over drugs to avoid legal issues or the social stigma associated with drug use. Alcohol is legal for adults in many places and generally more socially acceptable.
But, the impact of alcohol on OCD symptoms can vary from person to person. Some people may experience a worsening of symptoms, while others may not be significantly affected or may even perceive a temporary reduction in symptoms.
However, due to the potential negative consequences and impact on overall well-being, it is recommended for those with OCD to avoid or moderate their alcohol consumption. Seeking guidance from atherapist who specializes in OCD can provide support and advice on managing alcoholism and OCD.
What Therapies Are Available for People Dealing with Co-Occurring Disorders?

CBT is a widely used therapy for both OCD and addiction. It helps identify and challenge negative thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors associated with both disorders. CBT aims to develop healthier coping mechanisms, improve problem-solving skills, and modify maladaptive behaviors.
DBT is a therapy commonly used for individuals with borderline personality disorder but can also benefit those with co-occurring disorders. DBT focuses on teaching skills to manage emotions, tolerate distress, improve interpersonal relationships, and develop mindfulness. It can help individuals reduce substance use and manage their OCD symptoms.
MI is a counseling approach that focuses on resolving doubt and enhancing motivation for change. It helps individuals explore their reasons for change, identify personal goals, and strengthen their commitment to recovery. MI can be useful in addressing substance use and encouraging engagement in treatment for OCD.
Group therapy can benefit people with co-occurring disorders by providing a supportive and non-judgmental environment where they can share experiences, gain insights, and learn from others. Group therapy can offer a sense of belonging, encouragement, and mutual support during the recovery process.
In some cases, medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms of both the mental health disorder and the substance use disorder. Medications for OCD, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may be combined with medications to support recovery from substance use disorders.
Magnolia City Detox Offers Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs to Help Treat Both OCD and Addiction
Contact us today and find out how your personalized treatment plan can help you achieve lifelong recovery from addiction and any co-occurring mental health disorders.