You are undoubtedly aware that continuing your drug abuse while pregnant could affect your unborn baby. If you want to get treatment, do it as soon as possible. The sooner you get clean, the better it will be for you and your baby. Learn about our drug detox program in The Woodlands today.
You might be worried that damage to your baby has already been done. There is no way to be sure at this stage. However, if you are less than six weeks pregnant and significant damage was caused to the embryo before you found out you were pregnant, it is likely that you will have a miscarriage.
If you don’t miscarry, and you decide to quit using now, your baby has a good chance of being just fine. Even if you’ve been using heavily, and you are further along than six weeks, there is a likelihood that your baby will be okay as long as you get treatment right away.
It’s true that some drugs are more hurtful for an unborn child than others. And, how they affect your baby will usually depend on the type of drug you’ve been using, how heavily you used it, and how long you’ve been using it
You may want to speak to a medical professional to find out what your chances are of having a healthy baby. Often, a pregnancy can be the motivation for change when it comes to illnesses such as drug addiction. You might discover that it makes you more determined to get clean for the sake of your child.
What is Detox?
- How your body reacts to detoxing
- Whether the doctor believes that the best treatment for you is in a hospital setting where you can get obstetrical services
- What drugs you were using
- How much, how often, and how long you have used drugs
- Whether you have other mental health or health issues
Detoxing While Pregnant

What Will Happen During Detox?
A medical professional will give you a physical exam and ask you about your drug and alcohol use. It’s very important to tell the doctor or nurse about any drugs you have been taking including prescription drugs and ones you’ve been using without a prescription. This helps you and the staff design an appropriate treatment plan.
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Your body has gotten used to the drugs you’ve been taking, and it takes time to recover. When you quit using you may feel a physical sickness called withdrawal. The detox staff will be able to make you more comfortable during this period. Some withdrawal symptoms are very serious, but most are just severely uncomfortable such as:
- Feeling itchy
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Sleep problems
The medical personnel on staff may give you medications that can make you more comfortable and make it safer for your baby. Be sure to inform your doctor about how you’re feeling so you can get the appropriate medications. Not all people have serious withdrawal symptoms but it can happen. If you have any of the following problems, tell the detox staff immediately:
- Seizures
- Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren’t there)
- Pelvic pain (with or without bleeding)
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Anxiety
- Pain
Some medications shouldn’t be taken at the same time, so it’s important that the detox staff knows everything that could be in your system before they give you any new medication. It’s important to get care from a doctor when you are in withdrawal and pregnant.
Withdrawal without medical care during detox could make it more likely that you will have a miscarriage or start labor too soon. A miscarriage is when the unborn baby dies before you reach the 5th month of pregnancy. Detox staff will help you make a recovery plan for when you leave detox. It’s important to get lots of support and good treatment when you are in recovery.
Slow and Supervised
A detox that is slow and supervised during the second trimester is often the recommended treatment for pregnant women. Some doctors might recommend a replacement drug to help you withdraw from the drug you’re addicted to.
There are special medications that reduce cravings and help with recovery from opioid use disorder (OUD). You may be given methadone or buprenorphine to help you get through withdrawal and stay off other opioids. Medication for OUD is recommended for pregnant women who are addicted to opioids. Methadone treatment starts during detox.
Buprenorphine is a medication like methadone. It can reduce cravings and lower your risk of relapse. Buprenorphine is prescribed by a doctor and taken at home. Methadone or buprenorphine treatment is recommended for women who are dependent on opioids. Detoxing with medication is safer than without medication because it:
- Eliminates cravings
- Helps you feel less sick during withdrawal
- Can delay the onset of withdrawal for 24 hours or more
- Prevents the effects of other opioids
Your baby is more likely to be healthier if you take methadone or buprenorphine rather than if you continue using opioid medications or heroin. But you should know that it is still likely that your baby will be born with health problems if you take any chemical substance while pregnant. Babies born to mothers taking these medications can be born addicted to these drugs also.
Many women have safely taken medications to treat OUD while pregnant. Neither methadone nor buprenorphine has been shown to cause physical birth defects. Still, most babies do go through withdrawal after they are born. This is called neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Typically, babies begin withdrawal a few days after being born but it may start as late as four weeks after birth and last for a few days or a few weeks.
Medically Supervised Withdrawal
Medically supervised withdrawal is a type of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). In medically supervised withdrawal, you begin the medication during detox and gradually take smaller and smaller amounts of medication until your body finishes withdrawal. This helps to reduce the chances of severe withdrawal symptoms, but it also means that you can get completely clean long before your baby is born. If you choose medically supervised withdrawal you should know that:
- During the first 3 months of pregnancy, it could cause a miscarriage.
- During the last 3 months of pregnancy, it could cause you to go into labor too soon.
How Will I Feel During Detox?
You’ll have many different feelings during detox such as:
- You may feel stressed because you’re not drinking or using drugs
- It’s possible you don’t even want to be there
- You might be afraid of what it’s really like in a detox center
- You might be worried about your family at home
- You might be hopeful and excited about changing your life
All of these feelings (and more) are normal when you are in detox.
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What Can I Expect During Pregnancy?
Second Trimester (13 – 27 weeks pregnant): Early in your second trimester, your doctor may be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat and feel it move. Tell the detox staff if you feel the baby move. Your body will change a lot during this time.
Third Trimester (28 weeks to birth): It’s important to let your doctor know you are in detox if you aren’t in a treatment center. This way they can make sure you and your baby are healthy. If you have contractions or your water breaks, these are signs that labor might be starting. You will need to tell the detox staff and go to the hospital.
Warning Signs to Watch Out For
Here are some signs that you or your baby might be sick or in trouble. You will want to tell the detox staff or call your doctor if you:
- Have felt the baby move but it has stopped and not started again
- Have pain or vaginal bleeding
- Have contractions, cramps, or any pain you haven’t had before
- Have to vomit and have difficulty keeping food or liquids in your stomach (you and the baby may become dehydrated from frequent vomiting
What’s Next? Rehab
Detox is the first stage of getting clean and sober. But you need to learn how to stay that way. The good news is that you have great motivation to stay sober which will serve you well through your pregnancy. From time to time, you may still experience cravings for the substance you used to abuse. You will need to know how to deal with this.
During our inpatient drug rehab program, you will learn not only how to avoid drug cravings, but you will also learn the reasons you became addicted in the first place. It’s essential to face these issues because failing to do so could result in trouble for you some time later. Addiction specialists can help you learn how not to fall back into that trap.
Be sure to tell any rehab provider that you are pregnant in your initial talk because they need to know this to be able to create a suitable treatment program for you. You will need a custom-tailored treatment plan that caters to your specific requirements.
Magnolia City Detox Can Provide Your Detox and Rehab

If you live in or around the Houston area, and you are pregnant with a substance abuse problem, you can find a treatment team here at Magnolia City Detox. We will work for the best recovery for you and your baby. Contact us today.